artificial intelligence

watsonx Assistant

IBM watsonx Assistants are focused on helping enterprises transform their customer and employee experience across all engagement points.

What is watsonx Assistant?

IBM watsonx Assistant is focused on helping enterprises transform their customer and employee experience across all engagement points. By seamlessly integrating AI-powered agents with the systems and processes that run their business, enterprises can deliver personalised experiences. watsonx Assistant offers an intuitive interface that empowers anyone in your organisation to build and maintain AI-powered virtual agents— without having to write a single line of code

Enabling you to keep up with dynamic and changing customer and employee needs, IBM watsonx Assistants address:

  • The expectation of instant answers without requiring escalation to an agent
  • Providing a consistent and personalised experience
  • Difficulty for agents to navigate the ever-increasing suite of systems and tools used when interacting with customers

Example Use Cases

The platform enhances customer experience, improves employee experience, and modernises call centers.

Why IBM via Aramar?

  • IBM provides a comprehensive solution to address governance needs across the AI lifecycle
  • IBM’s thought-leadership in AI Governance combined with world-class AI innovation from IBM Research
  • IBM addresses people, process and technology, informed by experience as client zero
  • Open & flexible architecture to integrate with existing technology and skills investment in AI
  • Dedicated focus on delivering exceptional client experience with IBM Client Engineering, Consulting and Expert Labs Services

How can we help you? Enquire today to find out

For any enquiries, please fill in the contact form or contact us via phone or email. 
We look forward to speaking with you soon.